Member Submitted Form Check - She learned from the Library, then Submitted a Video of Herself Practicing while speaking out-loud the form cues she thought she was using.
Video 2
My Personal Reply: • where I dig in • I show YOUR interpretation versus actual proper movement • I give adjustments with explanation for your best results
Video 3
Her Resubmission - Even though she Listened to the cues on the Form Videos and thought she'd perfected them with practice, It didn't "CLICK" for her until I pointed out her OWN Body Cues!
Video 4
Recap of Progression - I get how hard it is to see how small tweaks make such a HUGE difference, let me break it down for you so you get some behind the scenes details that are difficult to see on your own.
Recap of Progression - I get how hard it is to see how small tweaks make such a HUGE difference, let me break it down for you so you get some behind the scenes details that are difficult to see on your own.